State programs for the development of the Far East: assessment of their implementation

  • Латкин Александр Павлович

    Aleksandr P. Latkin. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Макиевская Юлия Юрьевна

    Yulia Yu. Makievskaya Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


In the presented article, based on the theoretical generalization of scientific publications of Russian and foreign authors, as well as the analysis of a large array of statistical data, the low efficiency of the state policy of development of the Far East carried out in the post-privatization period is noted. It is con-
cluded that the main problem of this situation is the lack of a systematic discussion of the results of the implementation of numerous strategies and programs of regional development in the scientific, educational and public environment, the inconsistency of political, managerial, financial and personnel blocks. In confirmation of this, the dynamics of reducing the volume of industrial and agricultural production, cargo turnover of seaports, as well as the number of the Far Eastern population are given. The significance of the adopted in 2020 is substantiated . The new National Program for the Development of the Far East until 2024 and for the future until 2035 and government measures to implement it. At the same time, the public priority should be one hundred percent fulfillment by the Russian state of all program obligations for the commissioning of social and transport infrastructure facilities planned in the Far East, primarily health-care and education.ure until 2035» adopted in 2020 and priority government measures for its implementation are substantiated.
Keywords: Far Eastern region, state policy, development, trends, analysis, priority areas, mid-term perspective.